(C) Scott M. Baker
(note: ver 1.1 fixes the "class not registered" error present in version 1.0)
Download the 32-bit version [SBLM7811.ZIP] (Windows 95/NT)
online with Visa/Mastercard/AmEx.
Read the Online Documentation! [LM78.HTML]
shots of SBLM78 in action! [SHOTS.HTML]
What does it do?
SBLM78 reads statistical data from the LM78 chip on motherboards that have one. This includes temperature, voltage, and fan RPM data. Information is displayed in a graphical format with gauges, strip charts, etc.
What motherboards is it compatible with?
I've only tested it on a SuperMicro P6DLS, but it should be compatible with most modern (1997 and older) motherboards.
I am not affiliated with the people who make the LM78, or the people who make motherboards using the LM78. Use this program at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages occurring through use of this software.
SuperMicro LM78 System Monitor Temperate Voltage RPM Fan LM-78 National Semiconductor