Current Release
Ver 1.6, Mar 2, 2007
All software is certified to contain No Adware, No Spyware, and No Viruses.
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This software is compatible with Windows version 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
All SB-Software products are free of disabled features or expirations. You may try out the full functionality of the program for an unlimited time period.
Political Invaders is a game similar to space invaders, but rather than blasting aliens, you get to blast your favorite politicians, commentators, and politically slanted news reporters with pies. All the while you'll have to dodge the bombs they throw at you. News flash: We've added coverage of the US election 2008 presidential candidates!
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You don't need to register, but you can still support the author if you wish to. |
It's FREE -- you don't have to register! There's no strings attached; it really is free.
However, if you do wish to support my arcade game efforts, you are welcome to make a donation that will help me to continue programming the arcade games.
Would you like to know more about Political Invaders ?
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Just download the game and try it out! It's a free download! |
Political Invaders is compatible with Windows XP/Vista, and requires DirectX version 9.0
No Hassle Guarantee:
This software features the SB-Software "No Hassle Guarantee". This software contains NO spyware, NO adware, NO viruses, NO trojans, has NO disabled features, and does NOT expire.
Recent New Features
Here's a run-down of some of the new features introduced in version 1.5-1.6:
- Added election 2008 presidential hopefuls (1.6)
- Added option to reset high scores (1.6)
- Added Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Nancy Pelosi (1.5)
- Political invaders is now two games in one: Classic, which is like space invaders, and New, which borrows the engine from 'When Icons Attack' (1.5)
- Added world politicians (1.4)
- Support for joysticks and gamepads
- Lowered new ship delay form 5 seconds to 2 (1.2)
Beta Versions
Blast your favorite politicians with pies! It doesn't matter whether you're a republican or a democrat, the game has a selection that will please you.
[Disclaimer: The characters contained within this video game are purely fictional and any resemblance they may have to an actual person, living or dead, is completely unintentional. (yeah, right...)]
Conservative Republican Politicians and their henchmen: |
Liberal Democrat Politicians and their henchmen: |
- George "Dubya" Bush
- Dick "Halliburton" Cheney
- Arnold "The Governator" Schwarzenegger
- Bill "The Bloviator" O'Reilly
- Newt "The Grinch" Gingrich
- Condoleeza Rice
- Ann Coulter
- John "Angry" McCain
- Laura "The Stepford Wife" Bush
- Bob "Pepsi Viagra Guy" Dole
- Howard "Ol' Yeller" Dean
- Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton
- Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton
- Al "I Invented the Internet" Gore
- Monica "Cigar Girl" Lewinsky
- "Hanoi" Jane Fonda
- Ted "The Massachusetts Liberal" Kennedy
- Michael "The Big Fat Moviemaker" Moore
- Rosie O'Donnell
- John "The Swift Boat Commando" Kerry
- Barack "Articulate" Obama
- Nancy "SanFrancisco Values" Pelosi
For our international fans who are not content with merely blasting US politicians with pies, we've added a whole selection of international politicos: Tony Blair, Arial Sharon, Berlesconi, Fidel "Exploding Cigar" Castro, Gerhardt Schroeder, Jacques Chirac, Vlad "The Impaler" Putin, Hugo "Citgo" Chavez, Vicente "Amnesty" Fox, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
And if that's not enough, then we've also added exclusive coverage of the 2008 presidential hopefuls:
- Barack "articulate" Obama
- Hillary "I voted for the war" Clinton
- John "the ambulance chaser" Edwards
- Al "Mr. Environment" Gore
- Dennis "Immediate Retreat" Kucinich
- Bill Richardson
- Newt "The Grinch" Gingrich
- John "Amnesty" McCain
- Rudy "America's Mayor" Guiliani
- Mitt Romney
- Tom "The Legal Citizen" Tancredo
Okay sure, there's a few I didn't include, but I tried to pick most of the people whose names might get recognized. If I've omitted your favorite candidate, then write me and let me know, so that people can throw pies at him/her.
Screen Shot
Click the screen shot above to view a full size version |
Questions, comments, or suggestions? Email the author at
Fast Facts and Features |
Requires directX 9.0 or above |
Fully rendered 3D graphics |
Real pictures of politicians and their henchmen |
Fair and balanced game play -- blast both liberal democrats and conservative republicans |
World leaders in addition to US politicians |
Special Election 2008 Presidential Hopefuls section |